QSP LM-200 Air Powered Tire/Wheel Lift

Regular price $1,389.00
QSP LM-200 Air Powered Tire/Wheel Lift
Weight: 200 lbs

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Heavy lifting accounts for 20% of all workplace injuries. The LM-200 is a powerful lift that can reduce those injuries and will be a workhorse in your shop for many years.

The LM-200 air powered mobile tire lift assists technicians by making everyday tasks easier
Maintains raised height when shop air is removed
Lift has steel rollers that are offset from the column to allow for easier lug nut access

Max roller height - 40 1/4"
Height - 61 1/2"
Width - 31"
Depth - 29"
Lifting Capacity - 200 lbs
Rise Time - 6 seconds

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