DEF 200B1 PosiTector 200 Standard Body + Probe for Automotive Plastic Bumpers/Fascias

SKU: DEF 200B1
Regular price $2,120.00
DEF 200B1 PosiTector 200 Standard Body + Probe
Weight: 4 lbs

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PosiTector 200 Series Paint Thickness Gage for Automotive Plastic Bumpers/Fascias including those with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Measure total thickness of a coating system
Measurement Range - 0.5-40 mils (13-1000um)
Accuracy - +/-(0.1mil +3%) +/-(2um +3%)
NEW Larger 2.8" impact resistant color touchscreen
NEW On-gage help button explains menu items
Statistics Mode - Instantly calculate average, standard deviation, min/max thickness and number of readings while measuring
Reading Storage Capacity - 250 per probe
Sealed USB port for fast, simple connection to a PC and to supply continuous power
2 year warranty

Included: Positector gage body, 200B probe, couplant (ultrasonic gel), precision plastic shims, protective rubber holster with belt clip wrist strap, 3 AAA alkaline batteries, instructions, protective lens shield, convenient carrying case, Long Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST or PTB, USB cable, PosiSoft Software
